Category: Personal

My 2015 Personal Balanced Scorecard

By sethmsparks

Every year I try to assess my lifestyle, and determine the specific actions I want to take to improve certain elements of my life. Those assessments lead to my annual personal balanced scorecard. This is my third year completing a personal balanced scorecard, and I feel like each year I design something a little better.…

My Submission to the FCC on Net Neutrality

By sethmsparks

Text Entry: Thank you for accepting my opinion. I would like to urge the FCC to reclassify all access to the internet as a utility under Title II of the Communications Act, and to regulate Internet Service Providers (ISPs) accordingly. While the center of the debate is about delivering content to users without speed influence…

2014 Personal Balanced Scorecard

By sethmsparks

Mind – books – read 1 per month :: – blogs – write 2x monthly :: – meditate – for 15 min daily :: Body – weight – 5/1:280, 7/1:270, 9/1:260 – fitness – 30 min active p/ day – fitness – 10k steps p/ day – therapy – stretch/exercise back 20 min p/ day…

My 2013 Personal Balanced Scorecard

By sethmsparks

When a business wants to be realistic about itself and measure its performance across multiple facets beyond a single metric like profit, it typically introduces one of the many varieties of a balanced scorecard. I’ve been through the annual balanced scorecard development process a couple of times, and have grown accustomed to its versatility. As…

Welcoming you to Twitter!

By sethmsparks

One of my favorite e-mails of all time! Never mind the whole “friends & family” piece, which after 3 years is still fundamentally wrong about my Twitter network. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Twitter <> Date: Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:34 PM Subject: Welcoming you to Twitter! To: Seth M. Sparks Hello, new Twitter-er!…

Thoughts on “If I Die”, the Facebook App

By sethmsparks

I did something similar to this before my surgery. I actually scheduled an email through @mailchimp for 90 days out to a select group of people. I figured if I wasn’t dead, I would at some point be on a computer and able to turn the scheduled e-mail off. Not quite as elaborate as a…

My Crazy Ideas < Crazy

By sethmsparks

A couple of years ago I was on a plane home from Columbus, OH trying to use my netbook. I had an Acer Aspire One, which has the weird mouse touchpad with keys on the sides rather than below. As a bigger guy, trying to use laptop touchpads in general on planes is tough, having…

I Did Not Die Today.

By sethmsparks

I stole that title. It’s the same title as one of my favorite Wizard of Ads Monday Morning Memos. I stole it to capture your attention. I stole it because this morning I became fearful of something less than death. To help myself rationalize and calm the fear, repeating the simple statement “I did not…

New Years Resolution… Again… Getting Fit

By sethmsparks

<—–  As you can see to the left, I have revived my account to try and again motivate myself to lose weight.  This is my usual goal this time of year, so let’s see how well I do in 2009. I have a few new tools that might help me along this year.  I…