Category: Beliefs

How we get merit and common sense wrong.

By sethmsparks

Let’s challenge the myths of meritocracy and common sense, revealing how our biases and oversimplified ideas often undermine fairness and progress. Let’s explore how DEI practices emerged to counteract human tribalism, ensuring that marginalized voices are heard and valued, leading to more effective and diverse organizations. I argue that “common sense” is a flawed construct shaped by limited experiences, which often fails in our increasingly complex world. Instead of relying on it to guide us, we must embrace critical thinking and evidence-based approaches to create meaningful, equitable change.

My Submission to the FCC on Net Neutrality

By sethmsparks

Text Entry: Thank you for accepting my opinion. I would like to urge the FCC to reclassify all access to the internet as a utility under Title II of the Communications Act, and to regulate Internet Service Providers (ISPs) accordingly. While the center of the debate is about delivering content to users without speed influence…