vidfolio: Central College Anniversary Commercial
This is a video I did for Central promoting the 150th anniversary. It ran on CCTV in Pella. Central College 150th Anniversary Gala Commercial
Designing Products, Experiences, and Marketing
This is a video I did for Central promoting the 150th anniversary. It ran on CCTV in Pella. Central College 150th Anniversary Gala Commercial
Last week I received a request from Central College (sent out to all Alumni) seeking advice for the incoming freshman class and graduating seniors from former students. I sat thinking deeply for a minute, and…
Last week I received a request from Central College (sent out to all Alumni) seeking advice for the incoming freshman class and graduating seniors from former students. I sat thinking deeply for a minute, and then…
3) The Connected Consumer Brian has been talking about his theory for Generation C, or “The Connected Generation” for a while now. This group is comprised of individuals from nearly all other Western defined generations…
2) “In an era of Digital Darwinism, no business is too big to fail or too small to succeed.” Brian defines Digital Darwinism as “the evolution of consumer behavior when society & technology evolve faster…
1) People Don’t Look at Ads on Web-Pages (Eye Movement Visualization Heat Map) When Brian presented this slide I saw a lot of note and picture taking. Evidently a hot bit of info. It’s actually…
Click each Take Away for a detailed post. 1) People Don’t Look at Ads on Web-Pages (Eye Movement Visualization Heat Map) When Brian presented this slide I saw a lot of note and picture taking.…
I just listened to a relationship expert on the Today Show talking about the most common complaint of of his women patients: that their men don’t text enough. His solution for men facing the relationship…
One of my favorite e-mails of all time! Never mind the whole “friends & family” piece, which after 3 years is still fundamentally wrong about my Twitter network. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Twitter <>…
I did something similar to this before my surgery. I actually scheduled an email through @mailchimp for 90 days out to a select group of people. I figured if I wasn’t dead, I would at…