Author: sethmsparks

Being Productive

By sethmsparks

I’m a regular listener of the new(ish) podcast The Work Talk Show, hosted by Nick Westergaard and DJ Waldow. If you haven’t checked it out, go back and listen to a couple (iOS link). Nick and DJ approach their podcast from a different angle than most marketing professionals, by interviewing “wicked smart” guests like Seth…

Netflix Won’t Replace “the cord” Until It Does This

By sethmsparks

I turned off DirecTV in January. So far, six weeks in we’ve gotten pretty used to antenna TV and Netflix. But there’s something that I’ve noticed that I miss with Netflix. You know that feeling on a late Saturday afternoon when you turn on the TV without a specific purpose? There’s no new episodes of…

Clever or Deceptive Email Trick from JCP?

By sethmsparks

I received an email from JCP Rewards moments ago that caught me off-guard. Just by opening the email I “opted in” to their rewards program. Is that deceptive, or streamlined? Note: There was an easily accessible opt-out in the body text.

A Graph Search Thought for Brands & Page Owners

By sethmsparks

For a long time, a Facebook like has been a public demonstration of someone showing that they value something. And for years, people have clamored for a Dislike option as well. Facebook has never given in though, and has avoided much “Troll”ery on the site. However, the problem is that by focusing solely on the the Like,…

Hearing Stranger’s Voices

By sethmsparks

You know when you read something, and you typically hear your own “inner voice” reading the words? Well, I’ve noticed something recently about the voices that read text aloud in my head. I’ve noticed less and less of the words being read by my own inner voice, and often find the words being read by…

My 2013 Personal Balanced Scorecard

By sethmsparks

When a business wants to be realistic about itself and measure its performance across multiple facets beyond a single metric like profit, it typically introduces one of the many varieties of a balanced scorecard. I’ve been through the annual balanced scorecard development process a couple of times, and have grown accustomed to its versatility. As…

MoviePass (Netflix for Theaters) is Awesome, but Niche

By sethmsparks

What It Is MoviePass (in beta right now) is a Netflix-like service for watching movies in theaters. The premise is pretty simple, for $30 a month you get admission to one movie (with a limit of one viewing per movie) per day. Using the service is very easy too, just sign up for the service…

Wii U Impressions – Day 1

By sethmsparks

I was one of a lucky few to pick-up a Wii U at the midnight release on 11/18. With this being the first new Nintendo console product launch in six years, I was eagerly awaiting its debut. After spending a couple hours with the console, I have a few thoughts to share. 1) The Gamepad…

Ad Metrics to Remember

By sethmsparks

These metrics are pulled from an old Wizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo. I’m logging them here so that I can get rid of the slip of paper I had them manually written on. Each has a description paraphrased from the Wizard, as well as my take on each’s importance. 1) Share of Voice The…

Hubspot Just Wowed Me

By sethmsparks

Yesterday I commented on Twitter how I’d like to see how Hubspots software actually worked in the real world. I’ve been impressed with the white papers, and the big brains of social media and inbound marketing have given them a fair amount of praise, so I think the product is legitimate. This morning I had…